
雖然昨天微軟副總裁 Joe 才表示芒果會在 9 月 1 號開始更新只是傳聞,不過今天網路上就有來自德國的網友,將真芒果(Windows Phone 7.5 7720 RTM)洩漏出來。

自從芒果宣布 RTM 之後,大家心照不宣,都知道其實芒果已經完成了。

但為什麼微軟還沒有正式公布呢?事實上 RTM 之後,微軟必須將更新送交給硬體廠商進行測試,再等待硬體商測試完成後,才會正式公布。

這一方面也是為了確保硬體能夠在 RTM 下順利運作無誤,如果有任何問題(基本上微軟端的 RTM 版本應該是不會有問題),硬體商可以先放出類似先前韌體更新(Windows Phone OEM 的硬體更新包釋出,主要讓觸控變得更流暢 [更新 : HD7 和 HTC 7 Trophy 的版本也相繼釋出!]),來確保手機可以正常運作,當然,這個過程是需要一點時間的。

不過,顯然有人是等不及了,因為目前真芒果(Windows Phone 7.5 7720 RTM)的更新包已經在網路上開始流傳。

你可以在 這裡這裡 下載到洩漏版的真芒果,並且使用 Zune 來進行更新,不過英文流程有些許複雜(但網友提供的中文簡易流程倒是蠻簡單的),而且暫時不知道會不會有造成其他的問題。

由於這個版本並不是微軟官方發佈的版本,因此自行更新是有一定風險,也可能像之前使用 NODO 強制更新工具,導致日後無法安裝官方版本,或是手機變磚塊的情況。

因此小編提醒 WP7 使用者,想刷的話要考慮清楚。


▲ 由於是洩漏版,因此吃完會不會有問題,小編就不敢跟您保證了!


中文簡易步驟(轉至友站智機網網友 piggy):

1.開機的not for sale已經消失,說明這是正式版

HTC hd7, trophy(g+c), sprint, pro.
Dell venue oro
LG optimus 7

1. 下載上面的洩漏版的真芒果
2. 確保你的手機是 7661 或 7712
3. 確保你的 Zune 已經是最新版的 4.8.2134.0
4. 執行 UpdateTool 中的 Setup-UpdateWP-x86.exe
5. 連接手機到 pc。這時 Zune 會啓動,關閉 Zune
6. 將下載包裏的 RCToRTM 文件夾拷貝至 C 根目錄,並使用管理員權限運行 ISVTo7720.bat 文件(如果遇到點擊 bat 一閃而過的同學,請先使用管理員權限運行 cmd,再點擊 bat 文件)


Caution: Do this at your own risk, no one is to blame if your update fails

-Phone with Nodo (7392), Mango 7661 (Beta) or Mango 7712 (Developer Beta)
-Micro-USB cable
-PC with at least 20 GB of free disk space on C:
-external hard drive or USB flash drive with up to 16 GB of free space
-1.5 – 2 hours

1. All contents must be extracted to a local disk, not a backup/external disk.
2. Install the zune beta client version 4.8.2134.0 (comes with the downloaded file)
3. If necessary, run the flashing tool "updatewp" from the folder "update tool" install right version for your system, 32 – or 64-bit
4. Connect Device via USB to the PC
5. Close Zune software, if it opens when connecting
5a. —-If your device is already using 7661 or 7712, go to Step 16
6. Open the "NoDoToRC" folder and run the file "ISV_Provisioning_Live.exe" with admin rights (right click on the file..)
7. The tool will now create a backup of the phone. This takes quite some time, depending on how much you have installed on your device.
8. The phone will reboot and are starting communication with a "special" update server. If necessary, enter PIN code if activated on your device
9. Please dont close the update tool until it say its finished.
10. In the directory "C: \ Users \ <user> \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Windows Mobile Update,"there should be the newly created backup folder with a cryptic name. Please feel free to copy the folder to a secure location (external hard disk, etc.) and keep safe!

Repeat to yourself many times: "Yes, I have copied my backup to a secure location"

11. Now start the Zune client (with your phone connected) and it will begin looking for updates.
12. Build 7403 will now be found found and installed.
13. After 7403 has finished updating, the update is moving seamless to 7712 – the public developer beta.
14. If everything is done properly: Congratulations, the phone is in now running build 7712
15. Close/exit Zune.

Now please pay attention:
16. Copy the "RCToRTM" folder to "c: \"
17. In the RCToRTM folder, locate the "ISVTo7720.bat" and run as admin /still right click on file…)
18. Several updates will be installed, and the phone might reboot a few times. If applicable, please enter the PIN code.
19. If everything went smoothly: Congratulations, the phone is now on RTM 7720
20. Show of your RTM to your friends..or w/e :-)

本文照片引用及部分內容參考、、轉至友站智機網網友 piggy


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